I finally do have an answer to the question in my previous blog and the answer is I AM. The answer came without warning, a realization that hit me in the middle of listening to my favorite songs nowadays (a certain “boyband” who happen to have absolutely very good looks but very little singing talents).
I never thought it would be possible, and I am very happy with myself and my latest discovery. I am satisfied with what I have now, it may not be much, but I AM REALLY HAPPY. Now I know that you feel happiness when you are satisfied. Don’t get me wrong because I still aspire to do so much in life, but looking at what I have and what and who I have become, I am satisfied.
I am satisfied with the company of good friends, special friends and family. Although I still have to “retie ties” with a friend, but now is not the right time, I still can’t face to retie those broken ties. The tie was broken on a special occasion, actually a birthday; maybe a special occasion will also help us to retie those ties. Good thing that friends understand the things I am going through right now.
I actually am under a lot of pressure right now. With my first practicum expiring this term, accreditation paper works and requirements need to be finished, an actual project for a certain company, and of course WORK. Actually, the real pressure comes from the practicum, I have to graduate my masters’ degree this year or else my regularization will not push through. I do not want my more than 2 years of hard work to go down the drain, so I have to work hard on that one.
I know I have the strength to do all of these. And the good news is I am actually inspired to do all of these. Who inspires me? That remains to be found out….