Monday, November 29, 2004

What you send out will come back to you times 3...
A friend is sick with cancer. Another friend suggested that we help. I have to admit, I am selfish, but I am selfish with reason. If I believe that one is less fortunate than I am, and he/she can not do something about it, I give what I can.
I am most blessed this year. And I have been inspired by the passage I wrote above. Even during times when I had very little to spare, I sacrificed myself so I can help those who are not as "lucky" as I am.
We can not put a price on charity. Its the feeling inside of us that makes a difference.
Sacrifice is the key. It is not how much we share, it's about how much we sacrificed to share.
Let us be less selfish. It's the holiday season. It's time to share. It is a different kind of high. A different kind of fulfillment.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Free Image Hosting (Cheers!)
On Losing Weight
I posted the other day that I lost weight. It took a lot of hard work and patience. I've tried so many things before, but I only lost weight through a disciplined diet and exercise. I once was teased that I am really pretty only if I lost weight. Actually, losing weight is what I am most afraid of. People will really see the real me, that I am really not pretty.. What a fear!?!?!
On Falling In Love
Another fear.. I fell in love once already and it is really a risk to fall in love again, for me, it means that I am giving the person a chance to hurt me, to disappoint me.. On a positive note, I am giving myself a chance to share my life with someone, be happy with someone (although I am happy by myself)... But there are risks that are worth taking, for now, I am pretty sure we are happy with what we have with each other. (",)

Saturday, November 20, 2004

I lost weight. I am happy. (",)