Thursday, November 12, 2009

I am once again a Manila girl.

I tried living independently when I was still taking my Masteral studies, and when I graduated, I was "forced" to live in my beloved Cavite again. So for 6 years, I endured the everyday hassle of heavy traffic, waiting for the car before me to move, or sleeping in buses when I didn't have the strength to drive. Talk about stress.

And so when I had the opportunity to live back here in Manila, I grabbed it, without talking it over with my parents (I didn't feel the need to talk it over with them! Come on, I am almost 30 for heaven's sake!). I've been living independently for a week now, and I am loving it. No more morning stress for me, and my voice started to go back to its normal state! So it was the stress that was causing my "hoarseness".

Experiencing it once more, made me think about the PROs and CONs of independent living. Let me break it down...

1. No more curfew. Papa doesn't really need to know what time I turn in. hahaha!
2. No more waking up early! If my classes start at 7:30am, I wake up at 6:30! wooo!
3. No more traffic! I walk to school from my building!
4. No more toll fees, never-ending gas fees and parking fees!

1. Independent living means paying for my own place and utilities: electricity, water and laundry!
2. Independent living means I do my own laundry if I won't pay for laundry services.
3. Independent living means I need to do all the chores that I normally rely on Yaya.
4. And now I am sick, independent living means that I have to take care of myself. Buy my own food and medicine. hay!

Overall, I am happy. Being independent means so much responsibility. Now I feel really responsible. (",)