Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Belated Happy 8th Birthday!!

You are my first footprint in the world wide web.. My experimental site. I first taught myself html by coding this blog.  And then, I grew tired of it and just used a template. hehehe.. =)

Will try to post more entries and keep this blog up-to-date and relevant! Yey me! =)

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Tough Times..

Since yesterday, I've been having bouts with my temper (mainly because I can't control it).  I've picked fights so easily.  Scolded majority of my students.  And was angered by the simplest thing.  It might be the pressure or might be the time of the month, but I don't want to be this monster.  I want to be in control again.  Take charge.

Tomorrow, I WILL TRY my best not to lose my temper.  I may fail, but it's worth the try. hay! Sana wag lang may magpasaway!

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Is Confused..

If you'd be totally honest with yourself, can you count your real friends? I mean REAL friends. The ones who will not get annoyed at your idiosyncrasies.  The ones who will be honest with you and tell you what they really feel.

I've asked this question to myself for a few days now, and honestly, I really still do not know the answer.