Monday, April 11, 2005

I'm Back! Yah, well, sort of...

To those who are wondering what happened to me..
My heartfelt thanks to those who were very much worried, I was sick, bedridden for two whole days. It was really embarrassing for me when I attended this function on Thursday; I slept half of the day because I was not really feeling very well. On Friday, I really could not get up, my sister and I were the only ones at home, and my sister was asleep all day, I definitely could not take care of myself. I was hungry but I could not eat, because I knew I was going to throw it up anyway. My fever was really high, I could not stand up. Fortunately, my brother came home that night, and he really wanted to take me to the hospital because I was twitching in pain, my fever was high and he could not talk to me. I didn't want to be taken to the hospital (I didn't want to spend money! Had I died that night I could only blame myself for my stinginess! Hahaha!) It turned out that I have the stomach flu. I still do. But it’s not anymore accompanied with the high fever, sore muscles, and a whole lot of vomiting.

But I am a little bit fine now, well not really, while all of this is happening to me physically, I am mentally tortured and hurt by some words that were said maybe not to me directly but to a “bridge”. I never thought that this person still does not know the real me. I have always been a “what – you – see – is – what – you – get” type of person, I really could not imagine this happened to me or this is happening to me. I just want to fall asleep, just like when I was sick, and wake up to a brand new life. It’s really tiring to prove my genuineness as a person, but what’s more tiring is the fact that I really can not please everybody. Maybe it’s time I take care of myself, do things that will make ME happy.

Haay.. I just wish I CAN DO JUST THAT.

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