Wasted Vacation?!?
Was my one - month vacation really wasted?? This is my first vacation that I was not able to go anywhere. Not to Baguio, Not to Batangas, Not Even to Friggin' LAGUNA! I was terribly busy doing something that I totally forgot that I am supposed to go on vacation. Too bad. But at least I finished all my "Things To Do". Anyway, it's still April, I have May or at least the last weeks of June. I just hope rain won't fall early this year.
Losing Weight
Ok, I'm back on track. I'm really trying my best to lose all the weight I gained slacking off. I am not really after going down to a size zero. I just want to look good in any type of clothes I wear. I just want to fit in a medium again, even a large. I want to move a little faster and not get tired climbing the Fourth Floor of the West or the NorthWest Buildings of the school. I want to dance with a little more grace, the grace I lost when I gained all this weight. In short, I just want to feel the confidence I lost when I gained all of this weight. I've been going to the gym regularly for almost a month now, and so far, I am glad with the results. I pray that I'll be able to maintain the weight loss for a long time, even if I get married or get pregnant. (",)
Speaking of Losing Weight...
It's nearly 47 days, I haven't eaten any pork, beef or any chicken (at least not to my knowledge)! It has been my annual sacrifice during the Lenten Season. To let go of the food I love to eat. Since I am very fond of eating, so I believed that this will be a good sacrifice. I guess it has actually contributed to my weight loss. The other day, I was telling a friend, I really miss eating chicken. We were eating at KFC (I ordered the Green Salad, still no chicken!) and he kept on wagging his chicken in my face. I really miss eating chicken...
But really, it's a very small sacrifice, compared to Jesus' sacrifice. Tomorrow, on Easter Sunday, the day we Catholics commemorate the Lord's Rising, I'll be thankful, not only because I'll be able to eat chicken again, but because I am reminded that He has died and sacrificed Himself for my sins.