Thursday, January 17, 2008

Minor Mishap

Huge headache. I was driving along Vito Cruz, turning left when I reached the Roxas Boulevard intersection. I was on the second lane and I was anticipating that the light would turn red anytime now so I sped a little. A few seconds later, I hit the brakes because this motorcycle came out of nowhere and hit my side. Thank God that my reflexes were fast because I hit the brakes just in time. The driver looked at me, and he thought that he could bully me into giving him money for his "damaged" bike. I knew what to do in situations like this, and my logic told me that it wasn't my fault. He was on my left, and he told me that he was on his way to Vito Cruz, he insisted that it was me who was at fault. So we waited for the police to arrive, causing major traffic jam in the intersection of Vito Cruz and Roxas Boulevard. It was crazy, so I took a picture.

So, if he was going straight to Vito Cruz, why on earth was he on the left - most lane? When we arrived at the police station, we were immediately dismissed because the police asked me what I wanted to do with the case. The police figured that the other was at fault because of the picture I showed them. It's funny, how unapologetic he was even if everybody agreed that it was his fault. As a parting shot, I told him to be careful driving his bike. He just shook his head. I was a bit dismayed but its his life, what do I know? I am just thankful that I am safe, and my car didn't get a lot of damage.

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