Saturday, October 11, 2008

Appreciating Life's Daily 'Gifts'

Some people would consider themselves unlucky if these things happen to them in a day:

1. Wake up early to charge the mobile phone only to find out that the charger is missing
2. Due to persistent rummaging for the missing charger, went out of the house ten minutes late, must be in the office before 7am to avoid getting caught by the police because its "color-coding" day
3. On "color-coding" day, 20 minutes before 7am, car breaks down because of "overheating" in the middle of Roxas Boulevard
4. Five minutes before 7am, just finished filling up the car with water at the gas station, nervous of the lurking police, still a kilometer away from the office
5. Ate lunch alone
6. Going home, in a street that has no "no right turn on red light" sign, way past 7pm, police stops you and asks for your license. The people you are trying to avoid that morning are the very same people you meet in the evening, only giving you a ticket for a different offense.
7. Just when you thought that the car is fine, you hear weird noises in the engine, so you had it checked in the nearest gas station again. You find out that the car's engine oil ran low, the reason why the car overheated in the first place.
8. Spent 600 pesos for the car's engine oil.

These things happened to me, all in one day. I know it sucks. But the whole day that I was experiencing these "unlucky" things, I became concious of God's presence with me. How?? Here's how:

1. My other phone beeped and I cheked if the batteries on my phone that had low charge were the same. Viola! The battery of my other phone was similar and I have the charger to this phone, so I just switched batteries. Problem solved!
2. Eventhough I went out late, I was in time for "buhos" (counterflow), so I was in Manila wih 20 minutes to spare.
3. Although my car stopped in the middle of Roxas Boulevard, it started again and I was able to reach the gas station and have it filled up with water.
4. Five minutes before 7am, all stop lights were GREEN so I made it in time! whew!
5. Since I had to eat lunch alone, I went to the canteen to buy food, I was able to buy a complete meal: protein, veggies and dessert! yey!!
6. The policeman knew I know the law, and I was willing to get myself a ticket, and he sort of knew that I was going to contest it in City Hall, so he let me go.
7. The strange noise from the car's engine was a warning, the noise informed me to have the engine oil level checked!
8. Six hundred pesos is nothing compared to the accident that may have happened because of my car!

So you see, it's not at all bad! I used to ask God why I experienced such bad things in my life, even worse than the things that happened to me yesterday, but now, I don't think I have to ask Him anymore. It's a matter of perspective. Yesterday, I became conscious of the fact God will always be with me through these "unlucky" times, and I am just as sure that He will carry me through worse in the future! Keep the faith because God is also faithful!

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