Wednesday, June 08, 2011

The Inevitable Trip

Early this year, I've set my eyes on watching Harry Potter 7 Part 2 at the Director's Club in Mall of Asia.  My office mate Nalen and I made initial talks about having the cinema closed for private viewing.  To my surprise, I might not be able to do that at all.

I already knew that I will have to undergo CCNP training this year, but I was conditioned that the training will be held HERE, in the PHILIPPINES, with my "home court" advantage, in my school, where my classmates will be my friends and peers. But no, I was mistaken! SORELY MISTAKEN!

I never thought that we would have to fly abroad to get the training.  I thought it will be within my comfort zone (SINGAPORE), but I guess I was wrong again because we have to fly to AUSTRALIA, 8 hours away from my beloved Philippines.  And so, this July, the all-female team will be flying to Melbourne, Australia to attend the CCNP Instructors' training on Routing and Switching at Boxhill Institute.

I'll be gone for two weeks for the training. The very week that HP7P2 will be shown in the Philippines will be my first week in Australia.  I have no choice but to give up my seat for the viewing.  The only chance to see the movie here is if my VISA won't get approved by the Australian Embassy.  Tough luck.  Hay!

So now, I am preparing all the requirements needed for the VISA, with a heavy heart.  All that's left in my checklist is the 2x2 picture and the certificate of employment.  Plus, I'm preparing for the training as well, so many modules to study, so many labs to perform! The only consolation is, I AM LEARNING A LOT AND I AM GOING TO AUSTRALIA. =)

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