Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Week That Was..

I mentioned last week that my week was full, because we were celebrating Janine's birthday the whole week.. We did celebrate it, but I extended it a little. This was my week..
Monday: Aruba Bar Metrowalk, watched U-Turn
Tuesday: Went home early, I really had to sleep
Wednesday: Tavern on the Square GB3, watched Side A
Thursday: Went home early, I fell asleep as soon as my sat down on the bus. Very tiring day..
Friday: Starbucks Pasay Road, with Janine, Mina, Kel and Leslie.. When I got home, I watched "My Girl" all night, until the sun came out! So I didn't sleep.
Saturday: MITECCEAA event in the morning at Mapua Intramuros, movies after lunch with Leslie at the SM Mall of Asia, meeting at 6pm back in Mapua Intramuros, then dinner at McDonald's Intramuros.
My week was really full! This week, I only had a total of 21 hours of sleep. I do need to catch up! Because I'll feel weak if I don't. Although it was tiring, it was fun, I had a great time, I was with good company, and in the loving arms of my friends. (",)

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